In Bimeye, you can work with rooms in the early stages of a construction project, even before you have a model in one of the BIM design tools. You can detail the need in a space-based way with function, sub-function, room types, objects and surfaces. With this you can create detailed and completely flexible room descriptions with report templates that always retrieve the latest updated information available in Bimeye.

Room descriptions in Bimeye
A big advantage is that rooms that you have already described in Bimeye, you can at a later stage connect to rooms that are created in the project models. This gives you as a designer a head start in the modeling work and the project has the opportunity to process information that can be reused without you having to "double work".
For more information see our description of the solution on our website or contact us directly for a demo.
Here you can also find the release notes regarding the new product updates.